Champagne jean COMYN
Imprimé le : 8/09/2024 - 02 h 52. Print Close

Champagne So Blendy Brut

Champagne with heart offering a sparkle of youth

This aperitif champagne is the expression of the art of blending our three Champagne grape varieties: Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. It is aged 2 to 3 years and is made up of 50% wines of the year and 50% reserve wines in order to guarantee consistency of taste every year. Its fruity aromas and great freshness will delight you. It is a very flattering wine with great flexibility.

Size :

Half-bottle (37,5cl), Bottle (75 cl), Magnum (150 cl), Jéroboam (300 cl), Rehoboam (450 cl) Mathusalem (600 cl), Salmanazar (900 cl), Balthazar (1200 cl), Nabuchodonosor (1500 cl).





Eye: gold grey

Noze: Toast and brioche aromas

Palate: white and yellow fruits aromas – well-rounded final


 55% Pinôt meunier
 15% Pinôt noir
 30% Chardonnay
Champagne So Blendy Brut

Harmonies culinaires

  • Aperitif wine
  • Foie gras, oysters
  • Smoked salmon

Tous droits réservés © - Champagne Jean COMYN
- 7bis rue fontaine sainte Foy - 02400 MONT-SAINT-PERE (France) - Tél. :